This program originated with past board members and blossomed into a well oiled agricultural fundraising machine. TREES FOR SHELTER cultivates and sells potted trees under the direction of retired forester,Doug Skeates. With his expertise and Dave Johnson's farming abilities, the trees all blossomed into beautiful trees ready to be planted. Call 705-458-9076 for more information or to place your Trees for Shelter order today!
Trees sell for $25 each
Red Maple
Great shade tree with amazing red leaves in the fall. Growing to 20+m this tree needs lots of room to spread its roots. Medium to fast growing pace.
White Cedar
Recommended for rural properties. Makes great hedge row, reaching about 15m tall. Grows in a variety of soils.
Cranberry Bush
This low growing (3m) bush loves moist soil and will produce fruit after a few years. It has a shallow root system but a brilliant presence above ground.
White Spruce
Great tree for both rural and suburban living. Growing about 23m tall, this tree can tolerate shade and grows in all soils.