Wrapped In Courage
Purchase Your Wrapped In Courage item Today and Support My Sister's Place
The purple Wrapped in Courage items we sell are a symbol of the courage it takes a woman to leave her abuser. However, the courage of a woman alone is not enough. It takes the support of an entire community to end violence against women.
Purple has long been the colour of the women’s movement beginning with the suffragettes. It’s a symbol of pain and suffering but also of power, spirituality and transformation. When you wear purple, you show your support in ending violence against women.
One of a Kind Artisan - 10th Anniversary Scarf: $20 each
Limited Quantities Available
Wrap Style Scarf - $20 each
Limited Quantities Available
Beaded Bracelets - In Various Styles $10
Limited Quantities Available
Men's Tie - $20 each
Limited Quantities Available
Items can be purchased through My Sister's Place by calling 705-435-9400 x226. Items bought through the shelter must be ordered in advance.