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This past Saturday, August 13th, The Edward MacDonald Branch 499 of the Canadian Legion  held their donation acceptance ceremony for the recipients of the money raised by their Catch the Ace Lottery. The lottery was a huge sucess and raised over $100,000 for local charities.  My Sister's Place was among the charities chosen to receive a donation. We were absolutely blown away when we were called up tp receive our donation cheque of $30,000!
We are so grateful to the the Legion members of the 499 Branch in Angus, the Catch the Ace Lottery committee, the volunteers who sold tickets and all those who bought tickets for the lottery
Thank you for this incredible donation.
If you would like more information on Branch 499 of the Canadian Legion located in Angus click the link for their Facebook page ANGUS LEGION BRANCH 499 | Facebook
If you would like more infromation on the Catch the Ace lottery click on the link for their Facebook page Catch the Ace Angus | Facebook



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